The most effective email marketing strategy involves a comprehensive campaign that integrates a number of different elements such as email marketing software, squeeze page design, an opt-in manager and Tutanota templates. By putting all of these things together, you are ensuring that your email messages reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. However, sometimes this can become difficult if you don't know where to start. Fortunately, Tutanota has simplified this process by allowing you to download the software for free and use it to start creating campaigns right away.
TOBACS Android app: Google recently announced that Android devices will allow users to access corporate apps through web pages. This is very valuable because the majority of internet users are using mobile devices and they have come to expect those applications. Tutanota makes this even easier by providing a very helpful free mobile application, but its higher priced premium version is not least expensive. If you purchase a yearly subscription, you get two months free on top of everything else. You can tailor the plans to your individual requirements by adding email addresses and storage spaces at varying costs.
Android Email Service (AIS): Google has announced the launch of a new application which allows users of Android devices to send emails to multiple recipients while automatically setting their encryption level. Currently, AIS does not include any other applications but the plan launched by Google is simple enough to work with. All you need to do is download and install a particular tutanota server, follow the instructions, and create an encrypted mobile email service. This will combine perfectly with your existing web services like Google Reader and Gmail.